- Старший научный сотрудник, кандидат технических наук
- Технология переработки морского нерыбного сырья
Направление исследований
Наименование и стадия разработки
1. Технология получения каррагинанов из красных водорослей Балтийского и Черного морей: стадия опытно-промышленных испытаний,
разработки проектов НТД (защищена А.с.).
2. Технология получения агара из красных водорослей Черного моря и марикультуры: стадия опытно-промышленных испытаний, разработки проектов НТД (защищена А.с.).
3. Безотходная технология переработки штормовых выбросов водорослей с получением стабилизаторов пищевого и кормового назначения и кормовых белоксодержащих добавок: принципиальная и параметрическая технологические схемы, опытные образцы продуктов,регламент для опытно-промышленных испытаний.
4. Иодбелковый концентрат и технология его получения: опытные образцы (технолгия патентуется).
Baltic seaweeds Furcellaria lumbricalis (Huds.) Lamour.
and Phyllophora truncata (Pall.) Newroth et Tailor f. angustissima synthesise
easily hydrolised polysaccharides of similar chemical composition. Polysaccharides
of Furcellaria and Phyllophora have a high content of 3,6-AG, however they
significantly differ in the sulphate groups content.It was found that specific
disposition of the sulphates in the carbohydrate chain,
at C-2 of 3,6-AG residue blocks the process of jelly-formation in the Phyllophora
polysaccharide solutions. It was concluded that it is impossible to use
Phyllophora truncata by itself for production of high jelling stabilizers.
In the article the results of the investigations of technological
and ecological parameters affect on the yield and jelly-forming ability
of the agar from Gracilaria. The technological process of agar preparing
by alkali solutions pretreatment of Gracilaria is ecologically dangerous.
The high
quality gelforming substance from Gracilaria it is possible to obtain at
more soft conditions - with the exception of hard regims and agressive alkalis.
The quality of the agar obtained satisfies an requirements for similar products.
Д.В.Микулич,С.В.Красильникова, С.Г.Дырикова Исследование
состава сточных вод производства студнеобразователей и возможные направления
снижения их загрязненности //Биотехнология. - 1997. - N. 2. - С. 53-58.
The content of the sewage water by-produced during the
manufacturing of jelly-forming substances in the course of the processing
of red seaweed has been investigated. The water formed in the process of
the pretreatment of seaweed by hot alcali solutions are the most polluted.
The decrease of the degree of pollution of the sewage waater could be achieved
either by using physico-chemical methods or alteration of the technological
parameters of the processing of the seaweed.
Д.В.Микулич Исследование условий экстрагирования агара из черноморской красной водоросли грацилярии //Биотехнология. - 2000. - N.3. - С.48-52.
The study of the Conditions for the Extraction of Agar
from Red Seaweed Gracilaria from the Black Sea.
Д.В.Микулич, Л.И.Бойко, Л.В.Анцупова. Исследование
химического состава Gracilaria Grev.(RHODOPHYTA) как сырья для комплексного
использования // Альгология. - 2002. - Т.12. - N.2. - С.250-258.
The results of study of chemical composition, techological
properties, food and biological value of Gracilaria verrucosa (Huds.) Papenf.
are presented. The next ways of complex use of this alga are proposed: the
production of agar, dietary supplements and fodder products by methods of
extraction, acid hydrolysis, Lactobacillus acidothilus enrichment and biotransformation.
D.V.Mikulich, L.V. Antsupova. Chemical and technological
rating of the Black Sea Gracilaria as Raw material for agar production//First
intern. Conf. "Marine Coastel Ecosistems: Seaweeds, Intertebrates and
Products of Their Processing: Abstracts. M.: VNIRO Publishing, 2002. - 139-140.
It was shown that amount of hydrolized polysaccharides of Gracilaria verrucosa (Huds.) Papenf. f. procerrima and G. dura depends on the season of harvesting, seaweed species and can be over 50% for dry mass thalloma. The results obtained allow to affirm that both traditional technique of seaweed processing and up-to-date methods, including the preliminary treatment of Gracilaria by hot alkaline solutions it is possible to use for preparing agar with high jelly-forming ability. Agar prepared from G. verucosa is characterized by a higher jelly-forming ability than agar from G. dura. Agar from G. dura is characterized by a higher yield compared with prepared from G. verrucosa more than by 43% of initial algae mass, using similar algae processing conditions.
The general chemical and carbohydrate composition of the
storm flings biomass of Sivash hypergaline lakes were studied. Biomass contains
components characteristic to plant hydrobionts - proteins, lipids, carbohydrates,
The monosaccharide composition of freely hydrolyzing polysaccharide differs
sufficiently from polysaccharides of algaemacrophytes and may be assigned
to the polysaccharides of microalgae. Polysaccharides isolated from biomass
can be used as stabilizator for food, forage and technical purposes.
Д.В.Микулич, Л.В.Анцупова и др. Способ получения
иодированного гликопротеина // Заявка N. 2002086656. - 2002.
Iodine-glycoprotein is preparing from the Black sea red
alga Phyllophora nervosa by the method of the alkaline extraction, acid
hydrolysis and precipitation of the glycoprotein at izoelectric point.
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